Bahan Teb Azma Company

Bahan Teb Azma Company is one of the companies under Sarv Paydar Group. This holding operates in the field of medical and research laboratory equipment and over time, with each new specialization and field, a new company has been added to this collection. Bahan Teb Azma Company, like other Sarv Paydar companies, based on the principle of focus and expertise and using the previous experiences of other companies in the group, with a focus on biochemistry in diagnostic laboratories, started operating in 1996.

Bahan Teb Azma Company has entered the field with the aim of developing the national production of biochemical kits to proudly produce quality products to help make a more accurate diagnosis in the treatment and health departments of our country’s health centers.

The company, after much effort and research and despite the hardships of oppressive Western sanctions in 1400, launched the first product of 100% national production and is trying to produce the rest of high quality routine kits.

In addition to domestic production, Bahan Teb Azma Company imports specialized kits and autoanalyzers and is represented by Gesan Italy and Getein China.

In our view, the above goals are possible when Bahan Teb Azma Group is a dynamic, strong, knowledgeable and profitable company in order to raise the standards of service to its customers every day and to satisfy both parties in the best way.

Bahan Teb Azma Company

Bahan Teb Azma Company is one of the companies under Sarv Paydar Group. This holding operates in the field of medical and research laboratory equipment and over time, with each new specialization and field, a new company has been added to this collection. Bahan Teb Azma Company, like other Sarv Paydar companies, based on the principle of focus and expertise and using the previous experiences of other companies in the group, with a focus on biochemistry in diagnostic laboratories, started operating in 1996.

Bahan Teb Azma Company has entered the field with the aim of developing the national production of biochemical kits to proudly produce quality products to help make a more accurate diagnosis in the treatment and health departments of our country’s health centers.

The company, after much effort and research and despite the hardships of oppressive Western sanctions in 1400, launched the first product of 100% national production and is trying to produce the rest of high quality routine kits.

In addition to domestic production, Bahan Teb Azma Company imports specialized kits and autoanalyzers and is represented by Gesan Italy and Getein China.

In our view, the above goals are possible when Bahan Teb Azma Group is a dynamic, strong, knowledgeable and profitable company in order to raise the standards of service to its customers every day and to satisfy both parties in the best way.

Our Certifications

Bahan Teb has received valid certificates in this field, which you can see in this section.

Partner Company

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